Featured Postcards

Greetings Postcard Pals. Below are some of the standout postcards I have received from my generous postcard friends.

I've also included some I've sent myself from significant or interesting locations or just bought for fun. All my postcards are uploaded to my Flickr.

You'll see I also enjoy fancy stamps too. Want to trade? Read on.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Deutsche Reichsbahn locomotive 01 1102

Fast, WWII-era locomotive of the German Railways. This example is one of the few survivors of these magnificent 100mph locomotives.
The image is from 1997, soon after its restoration but according to Wikipedia, this train is now lying idle. Thank you Ralf.

Monday, November 04, 2013

Traditional dress of Comores

Updated Post: Union des Comores

Old Telegraph Station, Alice Springs

U Bein Bridge, Mandalay, Myanmar

The world's longest teak bridge was built in 1841, is over 1000m long and contains 1000 teak pillars. It is tentatively listed by UNESCO, as with all sites in the former Burma.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Tram, Bus and Rail postcards

One of my preferred themes. I think public transport postcards offer a window into daily life and urban development. Let's swap.
Postcards with exquisite matching stamps get a gold medal! Thanks Sabine

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Hamburg America Line - Cuba -Mexico

Hamburg America Line - Cuba -Mexico
I just love the way Germany issues matching stamps. Trust the Germans! Danke sehr Sabine.

Der Kreisviaduct bei Brusio

Der Kreisviaduct bei Brusio

Received from Ande who makes sending postcards an artform

Sunday, June 02, 2013

Unusual Africa cards and countries: Benin

Benin map card

stamps: (top) 2011 papal visit, (bot.) Benin coat of arms

Unusual Africa cards and countries: Angola

from Paul Wesson of www.eco-tur.com

stamp: from 1995 set of traditional ceramics

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Vintage Transicards - UK Vehicles

Picked up these old UK transport cards from a second hand shop somewhere. Classics. Does anyone know the history behind the Transicard series? Printed mainly in the 1970s from what can gather.

Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Twenty ideas of things to write on postcards

Stolen from Postcrossing

Although quite small, the space on the back of a postcard can often seem intimidating, and some postcrossers struggle with what to write there.